Add view to panel via code

School Boy Error

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This is going to be a really simple answer I'm sure but I'm just trying to get my head round the various methods and started by trying to add a view to a panel

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
   Dim pnlHeight, pnlWidth As Int
   pnlPlay.Color =
   pnlHeight = Activity.Height - 50
   pnlWidth = Activity.Width - 50
   lblPlay.Color = Colors.Blue
   pnlPlay.AddView(lblPlay, 50, 50, 100, 100)

   Activity.AddView(pnlPlay, 0, 0, pnlWidth, pnlHeight)

End Sub

I started off just by adding a big green panel - worked fine. Now I want to add a big blue button to my big green panel. Problem is I see the blue button but no panel behind it?!


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This works perfectly fine for me :S

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School Boy Error

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Longtime User
Yep, here it is. I've been playing with it though. Now the green panel appears but only after I have clicked it.

I've been trying to get it so I can drag it around with my finger but you can ignore all of that code.


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School Boy Error

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Longtime User
I'd already tried that but doesn't work....

Sub pnlPlay_touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)

    Log("x=" & X & ", y=" & Y)
   If Activity.ACTION_DOWN Then
      StartX = X
      StartY = Y
   End If 
   If Activity.ACTION_UP Then 
      FinishX = X
      FinishY = Y
   End If 
   pnlPlay.Left = pnlPlay.Left + (FinishX - StartX)
   pnlPlay.Top = pnlPlay.Top + (FinishY - StartY)
'   pnlPlay.Left = X - 50dip + pnlPlay.Left
' = Y - 50dip  + pnlPlay.Top

'      If Activity.ACTION_MOVE
'         Left = MoveLeft0 + (MoveX0 - X)
'         Left = Max(Left, 0)
'         Left = Min(Left, TotalColumnWidth(NumberOfColumns) - Activity.Width)
'         scvAssessment.Left = -Left
'         pnlHeader.Left = -Left
'         DeltaX = X - MoveX1
'         MoveX1 = X
'      End If 

'   If Activity.ACTION_MOVE Then 
'       pnlPlay.Left=X-50dip + pnlPlay.Left    
'      pnlPlay.Top=Y-50dip + pnlPlay.Top
'   End If
End Sub
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Below you find a working solution, but I'm not sure if it is exactly what you want.
Sub Globals
    Dim pnlPlay As Panel
    Dim StartX, StartY As Int
    Dim FinishX, FinishY As Int
    Dim pnlPlayLeft, pnlPlayTop As  Int
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Dim pnlHeight, pnlWidth As Int
    Dim LabelLeft, LabelTop, LabelWidth, LabelHeight, LabelXDelta, LabelYDelta As Int
    pnlPlay.Color =
    LabelLeft = 5dip
    LabelTop = 5dip
    LabelWidth = 100dip
    LabelXDelta = LabelWidth + 5dip
    LabelHeight = 70dip
    LabelYDelta = LabelHeight + 5dip

    Activity.AddView(pnlPlay, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%x)
    For i = 0 To 19
        Dim lblPlay As Label
        lblPlay.Color = Colors.Blue
        lblPlay.Text = "Value " & i
        lblPlay.Tag = i
        pnlPlay.AddView(lblPlay, LabelLeft + (i Mod 4) * LabelXDelta, LabelTop + Floor(i/4) * LabelYDelta, LabelWidth, LabelHeight)

End Sub

Sub Activity_Touch (Action As Int, X As Float, Y As Float)
    Select Action
    Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
        StartX = X
        StartY = Y
        pnlPlayLeft = pnlPlay.Left
        pnlPlayTop = pnlPlay.Top
    Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
        FinishX = X
        FinishY = Y
        pnlPlay.Left = pnlPlayLeft + (FinishX - StartX)
        pnlPlay.Top = pnlPlayTop + (FinishY - StartY)
    End Select 
End Sub
Best regards.
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