Android Question Adding 2 string decimals gives integer result


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What is the 'correct' way to add two string values together? For various reasons that I won't go into I have to add 2 string values together and assign to a third string, something like:

str1 = "6.50"
str2 = "0"
str3 = str1 + str2

which results in str3 = "6".

Is it necessary to assign the string to doubles and then use numberformat2 to convert the result back to a string, eg

dbl1 = str1 : dbl2 = str2
dbl3 = dbl1 + dbl2
str3 =  NumberFormat2(dbl3,0,2,2,True)


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What result do you expect ?
Do you want to do an arithmethic operation or concatenate two strings ?
If you want to do arithmethic operations you should use Doubles.
If you want to concatenate two strings you should use dbl3 = dbl1 & dbl2.
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Thanks Klaus. It was an arithmetic operation I wanted so doubles is the way. But just to satisfy my curiosity, how does the string example above give a result of "6"?
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