Adding a Service..


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Longtime User
Okay, so I've read all of the documentation and examples, but still can't seem to get this to work..


I've got an existing App, which works fine and wanted to add a periodical check and Notify the phone user if the specified time had been reached.

So I added a Service module, using the B4A SDK. Then I placed a call to the service in my Activity.. I trimmed the code right down, but am obviously still missing something. Initially I had the Service StartService call in the Create Sub in the Activity, but then wondered if it was possible to call a Service there, as nothing else seems to do this.

So I now have :

Sub blahblah
End Sub

which is called in :

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
<does lots of stuff, ListView, TabHost etc, including a Phone State check> and then :


'AdMob call

End Sub

Here's the Service :

'Service module
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.

End Sub
Sub Service_Create
End Sub

Sub Service_Start
Dim n As Notification
'n.Icon = "ic_stigdroid_small"
n.Icon = "icon"

'Dim Cursor3 As Cursor
'Cursor3 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT name, startdate, display_date, event._id FROM event, favourite where event._id = favourite.fk_event_id order by date(startdate)")
'For i = 0 To Cursor3.RowCount - 1
' Cursor3.Position = i
' ListView3.AddTwoLines2(Cursor3.GetString("name"), Cursor3.GetString("display_date"), Cursor3.GetInt("_id"))

'If ShowToast = True Then
' ToastMessageShow("Single Click on items to see more information, Long Click on items to add them to Favourites",True)
'End If

n.SetInfo("&name&", "&display_date&", Main) 'Change Main to "" if this code is in the main module.
End Sub

Sub Service_Destroy

End Sub
Sub do_stuff
Dim n As Notification
'n.Icon = "ic_stigdroid_small"
n.Icon = "icon"

'Dim Cursor3 As Cursor
'Cursor3 = SQL1.ExecQuery("SELECT name, startdate, display_date, event._id FROM event, favourite where event._id = favourite.fk_event_id order by date(startdate)")
'For i = 0 To Cursor3.RowCount - 1
' Cursor3.Position = i
' ListView3.AddTwoLines2(Cursor3.GetString("name"), Cursor3.GetString("display_date"), Cursor3.GetInt("_id"))

'If ShowToast = True Then
' ToastMessageShow("Single Click on items to see more information, Long Click on items to add them to Favourites",True)
'End If

n.SetInfo("&name&", "&display_date&", Main) 'Change Main to "" if this code is in the main module.
End Sub


I'm guessing I haven't defined something - no extra Dims were created in the Activity when calling the Service..?? or is the Service just rubbish? I noticed StartServiceAt - do I need to call this, in order for the Service to start. I was expecting the Service to start and a Notify (effectively debug at this moment in time) to just appear.. but nothing does. The commented out code, will be adjusted and should create Notifications if a date (minus 1 or 2 days) is reached - from the DB. Any extra Libs to call?



Licensed User
Longtime User
The log says : Unable to start service Intent { cmp=torquesoft.themsc/.favouritesnotifier }: not found

I'll create a new Service and see if that works.. hmmm...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Nope, new one...

Unable to start service Intent { cmp=torquesoft.themsc/.favouritesnotifying }: not found

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