Adding an XML Layout File to my APK


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello all,

I have here what I hope will be the last question I need to ask regarding my current project, learning to compile B4A projects in a manner that will allow them to work on the very-cool WIMM Android smart-watch.

WIMM apps are required to include an additional xml layout file called "peekview" which the watch displays while the app is loading. WIMM provides instructions for how to create this file and add it to your project in Eclipse, but things are of course very different in B4A.

Does anyone know how I might be able to configure B4A to include an extra XML layout file in the compiled APK? I will probably try to slip in a blank layout file somehow just to satisfy the requirement.

Thanks for your help!



Licensed User
Longtime User
On second thought, I believe that I discovered a way. I copied the peakview.xml file from the WIMM SDK's "Hello World" example to the layout subfolder of my app's res folder. I deleted the textview element from that file, and then set it to read-only. And it worked! I decompiled the apk that I produced, and sure enough, there lay peekview.xml.

Sorry to bother you guys! Hopefully this otherwise-useless thread can help a fellow novice in the future.
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