adding data files to the project


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adding data files to the project [solved]

Hi all, I have a small project running on my tablet. At the splash screen, at beginning of the operation, I have a relaxing mp3 file played while the user reads the infos on the screen, then pressing a button, the real application starts. I put the mp3 file in the "files" subfolder of my project and used the b4a bridge to debug the application on my tablet. All worked fine. After that, I used the IDE menu "file" -> "export as zip" for zipping the whole project and send it to my customer, but the mp3 was ignored, it isn't in project zip. As test, I did the IDE menu "tools" -> "clean files folder" operation and a message warned me to confirm the deletion of mp3 file, as it is was "not used" by the project. So, it's evident that my way to store directly the mp3 in the "files" folder isn't the right way to make the project "see" it as a requested resource. I think it will be necessary to store other files in the project (wavs, bins, text to show in some text boxex etc); may be all those files may have the same method to be added to the project. So, please, can you help me to understand how to do this ? Thanks in advance...
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For adding files to the files folder, you should use the "Add Files" Button in the Files tab of the IDE.
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Longtime User
Hi, thanks for the prompt answer. I will attach the screen dump for my "file" menu tab. The "add files" item does not exist; the "new" opens a new project...

P.S. I'm running a registered Basic4Android version 1.60
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Longtime User
oops ! Now I see it :sign0104:
Thank you all for help !
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