Wish Adding graphics capabilities to the IDE ("Serial plotter")


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The Arduino IDE comprises a "Serial plotter".
Could a graphics library be added to B4R to accomplish to produce graphs (line or point charts, y(t) or y(x)) on the PC screen? Since data sent by the microcontroller are listed in the log window, this should be possible, in principle:).


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The uncomfortable issue with this approach is that you have mantain two different applications (B4R+B4A, B4J, or third-party apps) that have to fit to each other.
Accordingly, after a while one might have forgotten which data format is required or how the data are handled in the separate graphing app.
It is a pain to find the matching versions if one of the two apps had been modified a couple of times...
During the years I have not found a solution to this problem.
So, the wish persists........