@Erel maybe i didn't make it too clear, i'm aware that i can add controls over the camera preview such as buttons etc, what i'm trying to accomplish and maybe is not too clear on the picture on my first post, what i 'm trying to do is add some type of overlay around the Preview with an alpha of maybe 75 to 100, i'm not sure if you can notice on the picture i have posted but there's a clear or transparent rectangle right in the middle and around that rectangle you see some sort of shade which is maybe around 75% transparent, that is the effect i'm trying to accomplish, don't pay attention to the small button in the middle with the + (Plus) sign.
Maybe this other image makes more sense, this is from a library wrapped by someone in the forums, as you may be able to see the clear rectangle in the middle and the shaded semi-transparent part around the rectangle which has a bluish color.
View attachment 83617
Any ideas?