I was just testing the new GetVideoTextLanguages2 method. It poses some issues. Few of the movies does not show anything in the map
The Subtitles is empty
When i use this
It has results
It shows 2 of them. English and not sure about the first one? Why does a 3rd party iptv app shows English and Italian as subtitle?
Sub Player_GetVideoTextLanguages2(Subtitles As Map)
The Subtitles is empty
(MyMap) {}
When i use this
Sub test1
Dim jo As JavaObject = Player
Dim TrackGroups As JavaObject = jo.GetFieldJO("player").RunMethod("getCurrentTrackGroups", Null)
For i = 0 To TrackGroups.GetField("length") - 1
Dim TrackGroup As JavaObject = TrackGroups.RunMethod("get", Array(i))
For j = 0 To TrackGroup.GetField("length") - 1
Dim Format As JavaObject = TrackGroup.RunMethodJO("getFormat", Array(j))
Log(Format.GetField("label") & ":" & Format.GetField("sampleMimeType")) '音轨和字幕语言名称
Log(Format.GetField("id") )
End Sub
It has results
(Format) Format(1, null, null, video/avc, avc1.640028, -1, null, [1920, 1080, 23.976025, ColorInfo(Unset color space, Unset color range, Unset color transfer, false, 8bit Luma, 8bit Chroma)], [-1, -1])
(Format) Format(2, null, null, audio/mp4a-latm, mp4a.40.2, 139912, en, [-1, -1, -1.0, null], [2, 44100])
It shows 2 of them. English and not sure about the first one? Why does a 3rd party iptv app shows English and Italian as subtitle?