I 'm using the code below to change a Buttons background based on a given value, that is saved in it's in the .TAG
this is the code I'm using now to set the Buttons background. works fine.
Sub changebitmap(b AsButton ) Dim i As indices
i = b.tag
i.Player = Player
Log("changeBitmap: X=" & i.x & " Y="& i.y & " Val="& i.Val & " Player=" & Player)
Select i.ValCase0
b.SetBackgroundImage(Image0)Case1If Player = 1Then
b.SetBackgroundImage(Image21)EndIf Case2If Player = 1Then
b.SetBackgroundImage(Image22)EndIfCase3If Player = 1Then
b.SetBackgroundImage(Image23)EndIfCase4If Player = 1Then
End Sub
What I'd like to do, is use a string to call the image object something like this.
dim strObj asstring
strImage = i.Val
player = i.player
strObj = "Image" & Player & strImage
This would be simpler and would make it easier to add more players.
or, is there a way to set the Back ground image to, say 90%x,90%y of the Button. and then i would set to back ground color to the player's color. if i could, I would not have to load so many images.