B4A Library AdMob library


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Dont know what will happen, thats AdMobs "thing"
LeadBolt has a better payout as AdMob, MUCH more banners and interstitials (these are great) AND are looking better then AdMob

And the normal banner (as AdMob) is AutoStretching - so never more problems with setting width etc.

See these 2 pics of the GUI as an example:



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Why size is very lager?
Can i remove google play service with phone have it?

I see many app with new admob have little size.


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Hi Erel,
Humm, I tried both options (all and only the big folder) ==> it fails


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You are correct. It is not possible to reduce the library size. I've deleted my previous post.

With a trail and fail method I ended with this content of the librairy which apparently seems to work...

At least it displays:
- smart banners
- interstitial ads
I've not checked if a click is correctly attributed to my account ...
The impact on the memory footprint is in the range of 300kB
I did not try to open "internal" folder and do some gardening insisde !
==> not sure it worths to do this !!!


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does the new library requiers a minimum version of android?
i have only now noticed that all my apps that i have updated to the latest admob library dont work on android 2.3.5

what do i need to write in the manifest to disable old versions of android? minSDK? (what is the min SDK for android 4+?)


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This describes the Min/Max-Version:
<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="4" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/>


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<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="19"/> ?


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As in the Tut is written:
AdMob library requires Android SDK level 13 or above.


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i missed that thanx a lot

what happens now if people have installed old version on android 2.3.4 and now i change the min SDK do they will get an update message?


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i think that it will not work, but Erel is our B4A-Prof


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now i understand why i get in the last weeks some 1* ratings... sh**t

thanx for your help GMan


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ok thanx erel, but after i updated my apps with the new admob 2.0 lib it wont run on android 2.3.5

the min sdk was 4 but it should run anyway on those devices right? (android 2.3+ also if the min SDK was set to 4)
so why does my apps crash immidiatly on start and without admob 2.0 it runs without any problems??

could it be the Admob INterstitial Lib from Jack cole?? http://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/admob-interstitial-library-beta.32891/
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