Android Question AdsHelper set EEA not working


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I'm trying to implement AdsHelper and I cannot get the EEA consent form to open in either my app or the MobileAds example app. (ref:

I am in Australia and therefore need to use these lines to make my device appear as if it is in the EEA:

' Ads.ResetConsentStatus
' Ads.SetConsentDebugParameters( "my device test id", True) 'same id as above

In the MobileAds example the only changes I made were

1 ) uncomment the above lines

and 2) use my test device id for
m.SetConfiguration(m.CreateRequestConfigurationBuilder(Array("my device test id"))) 'optional. Array with test device ids. See unfiltered logs to find correct id.

First problem was the EEA consent form did not show. ConsentStatus showed in the log as "NOT_REQUIRED" (or "OBTAINED" in later runs)

Second problem was "No ad config" error messages for each of the bannerad and iad in the example.

I'm beginning to think my test device id is the problem. However I cannot capture it in the fast-moving unfiltered log in order to check. Is there another way to get the test device id, or am I missing something else?
Last edited:
Problem solved. I finally managed to confirm the device id for testing, and now I get both the EEA form displayed and test ads in my app as intended.

My test device id was correct initially so I presume it has taken somewhere between 7 and 18 hours for my AdMob GDPR form setup to propagate...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Problem solved. I finally managed to confirm the device id for testing, and now I get both the EEA form displayed and test ads in my app as intended.

My test device id was correct initially so I presume it has taken somewhere between 7 and 18 hours for my AdMob GDPR form setup to propagate...
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