I'm editing the camera library a bit and added some functions already like enabling the flash light and more.
but i'm stuck with the focus modes:
*Sets the focus mode to: Infinity.
public void FocusModeInfinity() {
Parameters params = c.getParameters();
params.setFocusMode( Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY );
*Sets the focus mode to: Macro.
public void FocusModeMacro() {
Parameters params = c.getParameters();
params.setFocusMode( Parameters.FOCUS_MODE_MACRO );
When I change this to FocusModeMacro or FocusModeInfinity, It just won't change and the pictures taken are still the same quality. (like no macro shot of text)
do you know which lib AdvancedCamera is inside of? Also do you know how to turn on and off the LED? Also, does anyone know how to pause the program for a certain amount of miliseconds?