Android Question advice on wich library/method to use for serial terminal


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My GalaxyTab 10.1 bundled with a 5+1 in 1 Galaxy Tab OTG Connection and i want to do the following:

1. Use the USB connector and connect this to a device wich has a mini usb connector.
2. Make an app that can send/read simple text just like TeraTerm/Hyperterm

I have been using an app called "USB Serial Terminal" by Hosun Lim and this works great and is a "proof of concept" with the hardware i want to make an app for.

So i want a easy method to just set the baudrate etc, select the correct serialport, connect and then be able to send/receive simple text that are "terminated" with CR.

What lib to use? Maybe post a link to the CodeExamples and/or Documentation. I found several but to speed things up maybe one of you already has read up to this

Kai Günter
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