AHSTranslator - Greek Characters


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Longtime User
Hi, I'm using AHSTranslator and language_XX.lng files to put my application in several languages but when I try to use greek characters it does not work.

I have changed the file language_el.lng to UTF8 using Notepad++ and the text is correctly showed in my pc (in greek language). When I launch the application I just see strange characters.

Please let me know how can I use greek, russian and chinese characters in file language_xx.lng

Thanks in advance and kind regards


Licensed User
Longtime User
You have to convert your special characters to unicode (the char sequences beginning with \u....) so you have something like this in your translation file:

AM\ Clouds\ /\ PM\ Sun=Vorm. bew\u00F6lkt / nachm. Sonne

There are some text editors like PSPad which can convert to unicode. I don't know if Notepad++ has such a function.
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AHLocale Library uses a Map internally for the translations and uses File.WriteMap and File.ReadMap to store and read them.

We had a similar problem in the AHLocale Library thread where a user had problems using japanese characters. Changing them to unicode solved the issue. Even the java documentation of properties files suggests to use unicode characters for international characters.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi again, I think the file is already encoded in utf8. It is attached, could you please take a look, to see if it is ok?

Regarding what you mentioned about /u, do I have to add the /u to every character? or it can be add in a word of phrase?

Thanks againd and kind regards


  • language_el.zip
    596 bytes · Views: 247
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