Hi, I'm using AHSTranslator and language_XX.lng files to put my application in several languages but when I try to use greek characters it does not work.
I have changed the file language_el.lng to UTF8 using Notepad++ and the text is correctly showed in my pc (in greek language). When I launch the application I just see strange characters.
Please let me know how can I use greek, russian and chinese characters in file language_xx.lng
You have to convert your special characters to unicode (the char sequences beginning with \u....) so you have something like this in your translation file:
AHLocale Library uses a Map internally for the translations and uses File.WriteMap and File.ReadMap to store and read them.
We had a similar problem in the AHLocale Library thread where a user had problems using japanese characters. Changing them to unicode solved the issue. Even the java documentation of properties files suggests to use unicode characters for international characters.