Here's a question for the B4X developers (
- Assuming there was a reason to do it, would it be
technically feasible to change the current syntax from
Python (for example)?
I have no idea how the source code or project structure looks like, but if the B4X commands are sitting on a database where you have the BASIC syntax on the left column and the Java syntax on the right column, perhaps a new column could be added with another language syntax.
I almost sure the reply will be "it's not possible", but to be honest the BASIC syntax isn't even taught in schools anymore.
The world has moved to Python as the preferred high-level language to teach newcomers into the development world (along-side with JavaScript).
I'm not saying the BASIC syntax should be dropped, but perhaps we could have an alternative syntax being translated to (ugh!) Java.
IDE Options --> Select Language --> Python
On a side-note, as with the localization project, it would be nice to see Anywhere Software open-sourcing some parts of the IDE or even the language itself. That way we could all contribute into it.
Sorry in advance.
EDIT: The greatest weakness of the Python language, in my opinion, is the lack of mobile support. There are no proper solutions (compared to B4A) that allow developers to create Python based apps.
B4A, as incredibly powerful as it is, if it offered a sister-product named
P4A, it could capture the attention, interest and money of thousands of Python developers worldwide.
Erel, if you develop
P4A and
P4i, you'll become the next Elon Musk!!!