With Formlib, in a right textalignment the mono-line textbox content is right-HIDDEN after return keypress .
That's amazing!
Any way, just copying a mono-line Textbox1 input keyboard in a multi-line Textbox2,
after some returns-keypress on Textbox1, it appears a go-down list in Textbox2 (as i would !)
BUT, if i modify(use!) one character or more of Textbox1, the Textbox2 down-list no more work.
In this case something as linefeed or carriage return is deleted , if i add it, it's a dirty result !
Would you see the following :
' With Formlib dyn_form, textbox1 singleline, texbox2 multiline
Sub App_Start
textbox1.Text ="" : textbox2.Text =""
End Sub
Sub TextBox1_KeyPress (key)
If key = Chr(13) Then
'-------------- test1 textbox1 modify -> the T2 list is OK
'textbox1.Text = StrReplace(textbox1.Text,"5","x")
'------------- test2 textbox1 modify -> linefeed is _lost_ in T2
'textbox1.Text = (textbox1.Text *2)
textbox2.Text = textbox2.Text & textbox1.Text
textbox2.Focus : textbox2.ScrollToCaret
textbox1.Focus : textbox1.Text=""
End If
End Sub
I tried many adds of chr(13) and chr(10) but the problem is little boxe at the return character place.
(my actual solution : textbox2.Text = textbox2.Text & Chr(10) & textbox1.Text & Chr(13))
Nota a little bug, it's impossible to clear the text of multiline textbox in the component design window.
So, it's a big job to right align a poor clean half douzain of numbers in a box ! Any ideas ?