Android Question An application is constantly trying to be installed by B4A bridge


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I've been away form B4A programming for 2 weeks. Strange thing is happening when I connect B4A Bridge to the IDE.

An application "B4A designer" is constantly trying to be installed every ~30 seconds. It requires total network access, access to bluetooth definitions, synchronizing with bluetooth devices, and not allowing the phone to be inactive. I can se there's a new temp1.bak file being created in Android/data/anywheresoftware.b4a.b4abridge. When I delete the file, after some seconds, it's created again.

This happens when I open the IDE and connect immediately to the B4A bridge or when I open another project and connect to B4A bridge. BTW, I don't have any "B4A designer" project.

I don't remember changing anything in my phone or installing any "dangerous" apps.

Can you help me understanding what's happening because this is blocking my work?

Thank you


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Licensed User
Longtime User

OK, probably a very basic question, but I haven't used that feature before.

Thank you for the quick answer!
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