I am certain the answer is plainly explained somewhere here but I can't seem to find it.
I am working on my first B$X project, although I have written several Apps in B4i, B4A, B4J and B$R.
I have a two page app.
When the user finishes with the second page and uses a back arrow to the information he/she placed in the first page is discarded and the first page is used again. The info is entered through a series of switches.
Before the user goes back to the first page I reset all the switches and clear out the public variables.
The user then enters the info through the switches and then goes to the second page.
Try as I might, the info on the second page never gets changed.
The backbutton code is as follows
Private Sub backBtn_Click
Utility.DisplaySchem = ""
Utility.WrkingSchem = ""
Utility.TheIconFile = ""
End Sub
"Utility" is a public code module.
The switches are reset on the first page just prior to advancing to the second.
What am I doing wrong or not doing right?
Thanking You in advance for Your time and trouble.