Android Question Andriod Studio code b4a does not work

A simple button work on Andriod studio but does not work on b4a any suggestion I posted the code below I have tried changing "/.IntentActivity" make no difference but the old version of the software I I called it worked with the "/." so I left it like but have test it both way does not work

Andriod studio Code:
public void ButtonClick(View view) {
private String appURL = "";
private String appClass = "";

Intent intent = new Intent();
        intent.setClassName(appURL, appClass);

        Toast.makeText(this, "Pressed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

        Bundle dataBundle = new Bundle();
        dataBundle.putString("launchType", "RETAIL_AUTH");
        dataBundle.putString("applicationKey", "ABC001435342534264276");
        dataBundle.putString("merchantID", "910000000001001");
        dataBundle.putString("secretKey", "tAyVp4AwWyXUqTbPayJCgzqPLLYCTdr4D6k6K8pc");
        dataBundle.putString("accessKey", "XHF78VE75YMEUYK3PAK2");

        intent.putExtra("thumbzupBundle", dataBundle);
        startActivityForResult(intent, 0);

and here my B4a Code

B4a Code:
    Dim i As Intent
    Dim bundle As JavaObject
    bundle.InitializeNewInstance("android.os.Bundle", Null)
    bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("launchType", "RETAIL_AUTH"))
    bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("applicationKey", "ABC001435342534264276"))'
    bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("merchantID", "910000000001001"))
    bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("secretKey", "tAyVp4AwWyXUqTbPayJCgzqPLLYCTdr4D6k6K8pc"))
    bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("accessKey", "XHF78VE75YMEUYK3PAK2"))

    'bundle.RunMethod("putString", Array("merchantUsername", merchantUsernameSetups))
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