Android Question Android 14 - API34 IDE Warnings


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To comply with Google's requirement to update to TargetSDKversion=34 by August I have recompliled my project with API34 and it seems to work entirely as expected. However the IDE continues to recommend not going higher than API 33.

Can I ignore this warning and upload the API 33 package? Am I risking problems with this store package or deployment to users?


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It looks that the problem is on the Google Playmarket. It should be a waring but it looks like the error that prevents the app form punlishing.
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I am not sure I understand your (mis-spelt) answer. How is a log warning within the B4A IDE a problem with the Google Play store? I want to know if it is safe to distribute B4A APKs to the store when the IDE warns that TargetSDKversion should be 33 (and not 34).

I see there are problems with notifications in API34 but fortunately my package does not employ them so is it safe to publish?

Perhaps @Erel can clarify the situation?
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I don't think so you will be able to publish with API 33 due to Google playmarket error.

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Ignore the warning. An updated version will be released in a few days and 34 will be the recommended targetSdkVersion.

For now the only issues (=things that actually require changes) I've seen are related to services.
Please let us know, specifically which services will be affected, thank you very much
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I updated my manifest to API 34 and tested it on my Android 14 phone.
I'm using FCM - so far so good. I don't even using Receiver, still using Services.
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