Android Audio Modem With Basic4Android


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Longtime User

I am interested to use Android's Audio socket for modem use. This kind of work has done before. Sparkfun also sells a board. But the android side application/source matter is not clear, or I failed to get it.

Now, is it possible to make the android application (serial - both send and receive) with B4A? Other end can be microcontroller/arduino or pc. Has anyone done this with B4A already? Any help regarding this is much appreciated.

Kind regards.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello rabiuls,

I am also interested in doing a similar project you describe. What I try to do is send and receive audio from a travez dispositovo android device to another android.

The first thing I thought is to make an application that can transmit an audio travez frecuancia and I found this: # post-132364 I think I could use this example to generate different tones to emulate the bit 1 and 0.

So far so good, the problem I've found is that I decodificr received audio-frequency to determine that I am getting, and also know if this is the bit 1 or bit 0, and can not find how to do it from B4A.

Maybe I do not help with this, but sharing information maybe we can clarify something or someone can help.

Best regards.
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