Android Calendar


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I have been looking for some way to read and write data to the internal android calendar, but have not found anything.

I have written a small program to calculate from the date the daily/weekly/monthly etc. backup tape to take to the office in the morning.

Obviously the daily ones are not to much of a problem to remember, but is this Monday a 'Week 5' or a 'Quarter 2' tape is! - Although I can run the program to find out easily enough, remembering to run it before I get to the office is more of a problem.

What I would like to be able to do is to read the calendar data to see if 'the day' already has a tape event in it if not I would like to be able to add one for a specific time. This way I can leave the notification to the user to the OS/calendar and not have to be running my app as a service.

Any and all idea's would be very welcome


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Could you creater a function that calculate weekofyear or quarterofyear?
I think you could find on the web some implementation of it ( I remember in past looking for Eastern calculation formula, this should be much easier).
I hope it helps

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Interesting, I am also interested in adding entries to the calendar. There is undocumented code of how to do this on the web. Using event

Is it possible to call android APIs directly in Basic4Android?
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Longtime User
Oops, ran out of time, was working through some of the tutorials last night, amongst other things...

Links I found are : Working with the Android Calendar - Calendar - Android Application Development Tutorials and Free Components

I can't post links (yet), hence why they're not actual links.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It feels like it would be quite simple to write an API for this, but as I've never written an API before, I could be mistaken!!
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Interesting, I am also interested in adding entries to the calendar. There is undocumented code of how to do this on the web. Using event

Is it possible to call android APIs directly in Basic4Android?

Old thread I know, but calling android API's directly is of interest to me as well. I assume a new library could be created including API calls though. Right?

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