Android Market "Upload a valid APK"


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Hi Guys,
Below is a message I posted on Android market, and I wondered if anyone here has had a verified basic4android apk that didn't want upload?
Best, Tom Birchmire

Download the app

The app works fine on my Android G1 - I'll have to get late model Droid to test

I compiled my app using basic4android and got a "Upload a valid APK.message." Jarsigner output indicated a valid apk
X.509, CN=Tom Birchmire, O=thomasofneedham, C=us
[certificate is valid from 5/24/11 9:52 AM to 9/21/49 9:52 AM]

s = signature was verified
m = entry is listed in manifest
k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope

jar verified.


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Android Market referred me back to Android Dev

Android Market thought it was a development issue. If I validate the .apk with the jarsigner then it should upload unless there are some additional requirements that haven't been spelled out. It's not like it's costing me money, the app is to share with some of my friends and it is a test of basic4android's suitability for geocaching games. Essentially, they thought it was a development issue and referred me back to the Android Developer Group.

The signed app works perfectly on my G1 test machines. I would like to be able to send the app to a couple of Geocaching buddies who live in the area and let them test on their Droids.

Tom Birchmire
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Longtime User

The first answer is I have not been able to upload my FlyAwayHome.apk to Android Marker as the problem is not resolved.
The second answer is that it is signed with Basic4Android with a 48 year certificate and Android doesn't want to accept it.

The application works
I put a link on my page at Fly-Away-Home Part 1 | The app can be downloaded, once you enable 'Unknown Sources", the application downloads and executes correctly on my Android G1. Perhaps somebody with late model Droid can test it and let me know how things work.

Actually, the Android market upload problem is annoying but not fatal. Basic4Android could build any application I'm likely to do.

Best Tom Birchmire
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