iOS Question Android Panel Elevation in B4i


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Is it possible to implement panel elevation for B4i panels like in B4A?

I need the drop shadows behind the panels for the B4i app.

Thank you!

Semen Matusovskiy

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
IOS is much powerful. Start with panel1.SetShadow method.

You can also play with shadowRadius, for example,
nativeObjectInstance = panel1
nativeObjectInstance.GetField ("layer").SetField ("shadowRadius", 10)

Really you can draw a shadow around object of any form.
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IOS is much powerful. Start with panel1.SetShadow method.

You can also play with shadowRadius, for example,
nativeObjectInstance = panel1
nativeObjectInstance.GetField ("layer").SetField ("shadowRadius", 10)

Really you can draw a shadow around object of any form.

Thank you so much! SetShadow worked perfectly.

I was actually about to create an image to overlay my panel lol!

That helped so much!
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