Since i downloaded an updated android SDK, the android support library is not in the extras folder. It looks like the repository library is there, which is used when you are using android development? It looks like the B4A libraries are not matching up. I get the Android-support-v4.jar error. Can someone get me on the right track?
It will be in ...\sdk\extras\android\m2repository\com\android\support\support-v4\[version]. Note that it will be in the form of an .aar file. If you take a copy of the .aar & rename it to [filename].zip, you can then extract the .jar file. The .jar might just be called "classes.jar", so you might have to rename it.
Die Datei "C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\libraries\android-support-v4.jar" konnte nicht gefunden werden. ==> The File ..... not found