I just experimented with both the older canvas.b4a project that I was referring to in the OP, and the printing library.
Unfortunately, none of them print with sufficient resolution for what I need.
I need a minimum of 600 dpi. At present, I believe the printed resolution is 72 dpi, barely what an antique dot matrix printer from the eighties would do.
I have an app I got in the Play Store that prints at a much higher resolution, so I know it is possible to get much better results.
I found this in the Android Reference that apparently addresses directly my concern :
Taking as example the program that prints using JavaObject, it seems to work somewhat like mediaSize.
Unfortunately, I am not familiar enough with JavaObject to create the code.
And I don't see how this could be applied to the Printer class.
Unless I find a way to print at minimum 600 dpi, this will stop any chance of completing my current project.
I will appreciate any assistance.