Android Question Android TV and SimpleMediaManager library


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Searching in the forums I found this thread of @MarcoRome and tried to get an Exoplayer to play a direct video link. It did not work and I asked him why. After what he told me I read the post where he mentions the following:

I tried this and indeed it added the video in an Android TV app but I was not able to play it immediately. I thought it was exoplayer but it seems it is not. So my questions are:

1) What view does SMM use to present a youtube video (since I removed the SMM_VIDEO conditional and the Exoplayer library from the project) ?
2) How is it possible to manipulate this in Android TV (start/stop/move cursor). I did manage to get it started at last but if the user needs to do what i did to start a video he will through me the remote control on my head... (I pressed the right then down and down and Ok).


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The view is created based on the mime type. If it is video then it will be played with ExoPlayer. If it is html, the site will be loaded with WebView.

I do not know the MIME type I just pasted the embed link of a YT video.
Edit - I checked the embed link with postman and it returns HTML so it is Webview.
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How can I get the Webview inside smm view?
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How can I get the Webview inside smm view?
You can use this to hold webview on SMM:
Dim webview1 as webview = pnl1.Getview(0).Getview(0), where pnl1 is the panel used in simple media manager. If you define webview as b4xview, just use:
Dim webview1 as b4xview = pnl1.Getview(0).Getview(0)
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