I try to download the app with degug but after the installation of the app and pressing the open button the only thing that i can see at the screen of the phone is "wait for the debuger' and the show me the B4A bridge
with the release option the application install and start but I can not run it in debug mode
Worth switching to USB debug mode instead of B4A-Bridge. Maybe there is an antivirus on your PC that breaks the wifi connection between the IDE and the device.
the pc is the same No changes to pc
I change the telephone from samsung galaxy siii neo (androi 4) to xiaomi 5a redmi (android 7.1)
the program is the same no changes
when I start the application without connect the B4A it start and show the message wait fo debuger
When I press the F2 to connect (I can see the message connected at the bottom ) the application terminates and show me the briadege program