Android Wifi Hotspot Manager
as a template I would like to achieve the following functionality:
The application should create a hotspot without a password to connect to. Android devices near my phone will connect automatically to my hotspot when other Wifi networks are available.
I would like to see available information about connected devices.
The scenario behind this is the idea of "locating" not-responsive missing persons in the wilds when close enough.
Prerequisites: the missing person has a mobile phone with Wifi enabled and there is no other Wifi network available (as in the case of being in the wilds).
I did some tests with two Android using the built-in tools and "missing" Android actually connects to my hotspot as soon it detects it.
Also, details like phone type and MAC address are also shown.
I want to create a stand-alone application.
As I am new to this kind of stuff any suggestions are welcome.