Android Question Android Wifi Hotspot Manager Without Password


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Android Wifi Hotspot Manager​

as a template I would like to achieve the following functionality:
The application should create a hotspot without a password to connect to. Android devices near my phone will connect automatically to my hotspot when other Wifi networks are available.
I would like to see available information about connected devices.
The scenario behind this is the idea of "locating" not-responsive missing persons in the wilds when close enough.
Prerequisites: the missing person has a mobile phone with Wifi enabled and there is no other Wifi network available (as in the case of being in the wilds).
I did some tests with two Android using the built-in tools and "missing" Android actually connects to my hotspot as soon it detects it.
Also, details like phone type and MAC address are also shown.
I want to create a stand-alone application.
As I am new to this kind of stuff any suggestions are welcome.


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Android devices near my phone will connect automatically to my hotspot when NO other Wifi networks are available.
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New Member
Thanks, I have checked all info suggested. The settings procedure on Android allows the setup of the hotspot without a password (length = 0).
Android nearby connects to a hotspot without user intervention (no other Wi-Fi Around).
Is this an internal Android option not exposed to the app developers?
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Android nearby connects to a hotspot without user intervention (no other Wi-Fi Around).
First of all: where can you find an area in which no WiFi is used today?
Then a possible solution that is applied in practice is based on WiFi tracking. That has quite a few privacy snags that are described in the article "What does the GDPR say about WiFi tracking?" and of which Google probably also has some questions if you want to put your app in Google Play.
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