It seems that B4A has a problem with my lib folder what also caused my problems with the Jetifier window.
My lib folder is: G:\proj\apps\_libs\B4A\
Running this command opens the correct window:
java -jar "c:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\Jetifier.jar" G:\proj\apps\_libs\B4A\
Please try if you can reproduce these steps:
1) In "Configure paths", I have entered (with trailing backslash): G:\proj\apps\_libs\B4A\
2) Running Jetifier will not open the window correctly
3) In "Configure paths", I remove the trailing backslash, entered path now is: G:\proj\apps\_libs\B4A
4) Close this window (Jetifier works fine now)
5) Re-Open "Configure paths" and I just see: G:\proj\apps\_libs
---> B4A was removed! (closing and re-opening the "Configure paths" window is enough to automatically remove "\B4A")
When I use for example "G:\proj\apps\_libB4A", then everything works fine. Nothing is removed and Jetifier works correctly.