Bug? Another "Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" issue

Serdar K.

Licensed User
Longtime User

I am getting a "Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xfff0f0f0 (code=1), thread 13012 (om.census.ipsos)" message in the code below (with an Android 4.1.2 device). It is random. Once in 3-4 executions , it happens and the app crashes without any B4A error message. I found out that this is related to the same issue on the keypress event reported in another post :

The original code resulting the issue (sometimes) is :

Sub OnMarkerDragListener1_DragEnd(Marker1 As Marker)
Dim str0,strlat00, strlon00  As String
    Dim m001 As Marker
    Dim vstrSourceID As String

    m001 = Marker1
    If m001<>Null Then
        If m001.IsInitialized Then

        vstrSourceID = m001.Snippet
        strlat00 = m001.Position.Latitude
        strlon00 = m001.Position.Longitude

         Dim bmp As Bitmap
        bmp.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "question.png")
        Dim choice As Int
        str0 = "'" & vstrSourceID & " kodlu '" & m001.Title& "' noktası E:" & strlat00 & "-B:" & strlon00 & " konumuna taşınıyor." & CRLF & "İşlemi onaylıyor musunuz ?"
        choice = Msgbox2(str0, "Nokta taşıma", "Evet", "", "Hayır", bmp)

          If choice = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
            str0 = "UPDATE Sources SET Latitude='" & strlat00 & "', Longitude='" & strlon00 & "', Changed=1, Synchronized=NULL WHERE SourceID='" & vstrSourceID & "' ;"

            CallSubDelayed2(SourceScreen, "EditSource", m001 )
            ToastMessageShow("Nokta bilgilerini ve adresi güncelleyip gerekli değişiklikleri yaptıktan sonra kaydı güncelleyiniz.", False )
             Dim Cursor12 As Cursor
            Dim vstrSQL002 As String = "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM Sources where SourceID='" & vstrSourceID & "' LIMIT 1 ;"
            Cursor12 = General.SQL1.ExecQuery( vstrSQL002 )
            If Cursor12.RowCount > 0 Then
               Dim vfltLat As Float= Cursor12.GetString("Latitude")
               Dim vfltLon As Float= Cursor12.GetString("Longitude")
               MarkerOldPos.Initialize(vfltLat, vfltLon)
            End If
            Marker1.Position = MarkerOldPos
            ToastMessageShow("Nokta eski yerine geri alındı.", False )
          End If
        End If
    End If   
MarkerOldPos = Marker1.Position
End Sub

The unfiltered log messages related to issue :

The solution is the same as Erel explained with the post mentioned in the above post.

My solution implementation :

Sub OnMarkerDragListener1_DragEnd(Marker1 As Marker)
    CallSubDelayed2 (Me,"DoDragEndProcedure", Marker1)
End Sub

Sub DoDragEndProcedure ( Marker1 As Marker )
Dim str0,strlat00, strlon00  As String
    Dim m001 As Marker
    Dim vstrSourceID As String

    m001 = Marker1
    If m001<>Null Then
        If m001.IsInitialized Then

        vstrSourceID = m001.Snippet
        strlat00 = m001.Position.Latitude
        strlon00 = m001.Position.Longitude

         Dim bmp As Bitmap
        bmp.Initialize(File.DirAssets, "question.png")
        Dim choice As Int
        str0 = "'" & vstrSourceID & " kodlu '" & m001.Title& "' noktası E:" & strlat00 & "-B:" & strlon00 & " konumuna taşınıyor." & CRLF & "İşlemi onaylıyor musunuz ?"
        choice = Msgbox2(str0, "Nokta taşıma", "Evet", "", "Hayır", bmp)

          If choice = DialogResponse.POSITIVE Then
            str0 = "UPDATE Sources SET Latitude='" & strlat00 & "', Longitude='" & strlon00 & "', Changed=1, Synchronized=NULL WHERE SourceID='" & vstrSourceID & "' ;"

            CallSubDelayed2(SourceScreen, "EditSource", m001 )
            ToastMessageShow("Nokta bilgilerini ve adresi güncelleyip gerekli değişiklikleri yaptıktan sonra kaydı güncelleyiniz.", False )
             Dim Cursor12 As Cursor
            Dim vstrSQL002 As String = "SELECT Latitude, Longitude FROM Sources where SourceID='" & vstrSourceID & "' LIMIT 1 ;"
            Cursor12 = General.SQL1.ExecQuery( vstrSQL002 )
            If Cursor12.RowCount > 0 Then
               Dim vfltLat As Float= Cursor12.GetString("Latitude")
               Dim vfltLon As Float= Cursor12.GetString("Longitude")
               MarkerOldPos.Initialize(vfltLat, vfltLon)
            End If
            Marker1.Position = MarkerOldPos
            ToastMessageShow("Nokta eski yerine geri alındı.", False )
          End If
        End If
    End If   
MarkerOldPos = Marker1.Position
End Sub

The issue was in discussion also with Drag-Drop events of markers, may be there are other uses which cause this "SIGNAL 11" issue.

Serdar K.

Licensed User
Longtime User
Is there a way for moving this entry, because I wouldn't like to duplicate it for the sake of the forum.
In fact i thought that this is a system issue and treated like the other similar (Android, SIGNAL 11) issues.

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