Android Question Another question about Display Problems!


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I asked a question a couple of days ago in regard to some issues I was having with the Samsung Galaxy Note 3. That led to a good bit of reading but I am still a bit confused. Erel responded but I may not have provided enough info for him to provide an answer that would help me. Thanks Erel for your attempt!

I originally developed my app for a tablet with no plans to go smaller than that. I then installed the app on other tablets and that's when I first discovered the differences that we are all aware of. I then learned what I could about the Designer Scripts feature and I made all of the adjustments I needed in order for the app to work on multiple displays. I have had no issues far.

However, I recently scaled it down to fit the Note 3 and the Samsung Galaxy SIII. I tested it in the UI Cloud and everything fit perfectly for the Note (although the Cloud may not be a Note 3...not sure). I then sent it out to several people to try and it didn't work. Much of the text and several of the buttons were off the screen. So, I got my hands on a Note 3 and an S3 and I designed it specifically for these 2 phones. It worked perfectly although I knew that I would now be forced to provide multiple versions...not something I originally wanted to do. I have now sent the app back out to these people and I have gotten mixed results. I have 3 people, all with Note 3's. Two of the people have no problems with the app. Everything looks great and it functions correctly. However, 1 individual still has the initial problem, even after uninstalling the old app and installing the new. In addition, I "borrowed" an S3 from someone else and tried to install it but it did not fit correctly as it did on the first S3. Why would there be differences within the same family of devices? Is there a scale/resolution setting on each device that makes it render the app differently? Do some devices have better displays (higher density???) than others even within the same family of devices? I'm very confused over this.

I will admit to not fully understanding the various resolutions/variants, etc. but I am trying to learn all that I can. However, this puzzles me because it would seem that an app installed to two different Note 3's or S3's would look the same on both devices. I hate to think that I not only have to develop for a particular device but also for every individual who has the device. I'm sure that's not the case but any direction someone can provide would be greatly appreciated. I'm not asking for someone to do the work for me. I just need a push in the right direction....perhaps a "dumbed" down version for those of us who can't grasp this concept.

I might add that the new version for the Note 3 now leaves a lot of extra space when rendered in the UI Cloud.

Anyway, thanks for your help!


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You have to know the difference between resolution and density.

A phone may have a better display resolution (f.e. 1920x1080) but the pixels are "much smaller". A tablet may have 1200x800 but the display is much larger, so the pixels are "bigger".

There are different "Notes 3", too. ("Neo" and the better one). I guess that they are slightly different.

Because of that kind of side effects I don't like to use the designer/autoscale, etc. What I do is: I simply work with %x and %y to get all views exact there where I want to have them. And then I test it on phones from 2,4" to 6" and my tablet.

And yes, the same app on a tablet may be stretched. But an tablet owner expects an other layout (because there is more space on the screen). So at the start of the app I (can) check if it's a phone or tablet and will create two designs at runtime.

Benefit: If I put a view at 90%y with a height of 10%y it exactly hits the bottom of the screen. Using dip gets me into trouble because I never really know how high that view will be (could check that of course but I prefer exact positions).
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Longtime User
Thanks Klaus. I am going to play with it a bit to see if I can't use what you just explained as a solution. When you say "post your layout file"....what exactly are you referring to? Would this be the .bal? I'm not sure. Despite having developed an app that is about 700 pages printed out, a full-blown data-driven app at that, I still may be ignorant (I definitely am ignorant) of many "simple" things in B4A. I hope you will forgive that ignorance. Thanks again!
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