Android Question AnotherDatePicker and CustomListView

Jose Luis Barajas

Licensed User
Longtime User

Its possible to have AnotherDatePicker on each CustomListView

I have a customlistview with 100 items, in each item (panel) I need a field like anotherdatepicker
Can help me with some sample code to go forward?

Thanks in advance!

Jose Luis Barajas

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel,

I do not understand how to implement, I upload one image for show which are my requirement

In each panel of customlistview I have many views, My only doubt (problem) its with datepicker

If I open another activity to show the adp, I dont know how to put the datevalue in your corresponding panel item

Please, some code can help me to see the sun!

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Longtime User
What @Erel is saying .. Place a single panel containing a Date Picker behind the CLV and Hide it.
In each CLV panel place a label (date ) to act as AnotherDatePicker. When user clicks Label .. show panel containing ADP (BringToFront) , populate relevant label
then hide panel again.
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