I am trying to use an Additional-external library with B4J and the only ways i found out that i can, is either by using "#AdditionalJar: jocl-2.0.1.jar" or as i understund by this post, by making a wrapper from the source code using the "B4J_SimpleLibraryCompiler.exe".
I was wondering if and where i can download the zip file of that post, because i am not permited since i don't have purchased B4A, even if i just need it for B4J usage. Or if there is any other possible way to make a wrapper easily out of some source code.
Thanks Erel!, i 've tested it but i have some problems i think , (i am new here so forgive me if it is something simple i don't understand [...]) i am trying to use an opencl library actually this library (or if not possible, any other like this one [for gpu calculations]) but this is what is happening: