Android Question any way to localize app via Visual Designer ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, All

Do we have any way to localize the text of views that are set in the Designer only ?
Or just manual text coding is possible ?


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi, All

Do we have any way to localize the text of views that are set in the Designer only ?
Or just manual text coding is possible ?

You can create 2 layouts for each screen.

MainEN is the main screen in english MainDE is the main screen in german ...
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I posted this question due to the very big project, with lots of layouts, each layout is "multi-layer" (hidden panels dynamically shown).
So.... localization of these layouts is late now, but has to be made....any how...

UPD: yes, Localizator helps with about 25 layouts (around 50 strings). Plus standard strings.xml localization already was made (around 200 strings).
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