Anyone using Windows 11, does B4A work well?


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I want to install WIndows 11 on my new PC, i think it will be insteresting.
Any one try Windows 11 with B4A or Android Studio?


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Everything working right¡¡


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I just this past week got a new PC at work with Windows 11 on it! I can't wait to get all my B4X stuff installed and give it a test drive... ?


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b4x is working but I didnt like the force grouping of items on taskbar.


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I had an issue getting an AVD working, because the HAXM conflicted with extra security set-up in Win 11. This was cured after loading HAXM 7.7.1 from Intel, and troubleshooting: My PC needed VIRTUALIZATION Enabled in the BIOS, to load HAXM. To get the AVDs to load I up-revved the following in the SDK:
Android Emulator - 31.2.9, Android SDK Platform 18 - 6. , Intel x86 Atom_64 System Image (28) - 4.


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You don't need any emulator, windows 11 has windows subsystem for android... runs android apps in Windows!


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Windows 11 seems to be a good millesime so far, all "B4X suite" work like a charm
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