There are no limitations in ControlsEx.ListView
Hello richt again,
have a look at the attached jpg. Is it that what you need?
If you do a Table with ListView you can use lv.GetItemBackColor and lv.GetItemBackColor to do color your Items.
Here, a little code snippet:
For i =0 To Main.SelSpAnz-1 '<--SelSpAnz = columns count
lvTab.AddColumnHeader (Main.SelSpNam(i)) '<-- Build the Columns Header
Main.SqlStr = "Select " & Main.SelStr & " FROM [" & Main.AktTab & "] WHERE OID >= " & Main.c & " LIMIT " & Lim '<--Get the datas row by row
Main.DatTab(Main.SqlStr, Lim) '<-- A function to get the datas
Dim TRow(Main.SelSpAnz) '<--build an array with column count items
For j = 0 To Lim-1 '<--Lim = limit of Rows
For i = 0 To Main.SelSpAnz-1
TRow(i) = Main.TCells(i,j) 'Fill the Row with datas
lvTab.AddItemArray(TRow()) ' Add the Item
If j Mod 2 = 0 Then
lvTab.SetItemBackColor(j, cSilver) 'If Item Index is even, color is silver
lvTab.SetItemBackColor(j, cWhite) 'If Item Index is odd, color is white
End If
lvw = 0
For i =0 To Main.SelSpAnz -1
lvTab.SetColumnWidth(i, -2) 'SetColumn Width automaticly
lvW = lvW + lvTab.GetColumnWidth(i)
I hope It helps.
best regards