Thank you Erel, it is not necessary, I have solved it differently.
I'm updating my label "lblClock" with an extra timer in the main activity, and no longer using the starter service.
The appendix is an example.
I have found that the starter service, if the main activity is in pause, triggers too much event, and this is probably the error.
Try one time
Sub GpsTimer_Tick
Dim time As Long
time = DateTime.Now
'If Not(IsPaused(Main)) Then CallSub2(Main, "ShowClock", time)
CallSub2(Main, "ShowClock", time)
End Sub
and once so and look at the unfiltered events.
Sub GpsTimer_Tick
Dim time As Long
time = DateTime.Now
If Not(IsPaused(Main)) Then CallSub2(Main, "ShowClock", time)
'CallSub2(Main, "ShowClock", time)
End Sub
As it seems, you always have to check before a CallSub whether an activity is paused.