HI, All, and @DonManfred,
Lib v.0.11 (thanks for the lib again !).
Opening .xlsx file is OK, but i'm trying to merge rows and creating the new .xlsx file.
Row is not created.
Maybe something forgotten to prepare ?
Lib v.0.11 (thanks for the lib again !).
Opening .xlsx file is OK, but i'm trying to merge rows and creating the new .xlsx file.
Dim nwb As XSSFWorkbook
Dim wrSheet As XLSSheet = nwb.createSheet2("new_sheet")
Dim rowOUT As XSSFRow = wrSheet.createRow(0) 'HERE ERROR: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid row number (-1) outside allowable range (0..1048575)
Row is not created.
Maybe something forgotten to prepare ?
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