Android Question App Icon does not show in compiled app


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In preparation for updating an old google maps app of mine, I downloaded an example (attached). After I added my API key, the program ran fine. I played around with a couple of changes and the app continues to run fine. I eventually chose an icon to use for the example app, but when the app compiles to the device, it uses a generic icon instead of my chosen one (Erel's example accepts the icon with no problems).

So what is it about this example that is preventing the newly chosen icon to be displayed? I used this code to replace the old webview approach in my old app - the revised app runs beautifully, but has the same "no icon" problem as the example.


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i'm not seeing the icon in your files (assets) folder. i see it in res\drawable, of course. i don't have the googlemaps stuff, so i couldn't build the project. try copying the icon to the files folder, add it via the ide (add files), tell the compiler what your icon is (project --> choose icon), build and see if it makes a difference. you'll probably have to delete it from res\drawable (although the compiler will probably just overwrite it if you don't. no harm). i'm thinking all those steps are necessary to have it included in some .xml file even though the file itself is actually in the .apk but not referenced
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Sorry, your suggestion does not work. First, I deleted the icon from the res\drawable forlder and added the icon using the ide add files. It still compiles with the generic icon. It did also write to the res\drawable folder but it wrote a generic icon, not the selected one in Files. Wierd. I deleted the generic icon and added the desired icon to the res\drawable forlder but it again compiled with a generic icon. At least this time it did not write a generic icon to the res\drawable folder.

I recall Erel stating that icons should be added from the IDE using the menu Project\Choose Icon and that it was not necessary to add the icon using the files manager in the IDE.

I am totally stumped at this point. I am thinking it may be something in the manifest perhaps, but I have tried many combination of minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion to no avail.

Thanks for offering a suggestion. Here's hoping others with chime in with potential answers for me!
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Right on agraham! That did the trick. I was in the right ballpark when I suspected it had something to do with the manifest - I just didn't know where the batter's box was!

The manifest is a black box to me. Reminds me of my JCL cards when I was using a Univac 1100. I guarded those card with my life because I had no understanding of how they worked and I knew I could not recreate them on my own (although I could modify a few parameters when necessary).

Thank you very much - AGAIN!
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