I have made an app three year ago and upload it to playstore. it works . Now I made some changes and uploading it to playstore.....playstore say set targetSdkVersion="31". when i set it to 31 it will not install in my phone...in debug or release mode. When targetSdkVersion="28" is set everything is ok. kindly guide me.
1. TargetSDK should be 30 for now
2. Guess you did not updated the SDK new in the last years. Reinstall the SDK. It has changed and needs a new setup
3. Delete the app and install it new. Dows it work now?
1. TargetSDK shoiuld be 30 for now
2. Guess you did not updated the SDK new in the last years. Reinstall the SDK. It has changed and needs a new setup
3. Delete the app and install it new. Dows it work now?