I've committed the cardinal error of changing multiple things at once. Now it's tough to troubleshoot.
I've moved to a new computer. When I did that I moved the c:\b4a folder over, the c:\android folder over, and my project folder, named ODD.
I put the project folder in a new place, under 'documents'
I installed the jdk v8 and set the path here: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_211\bin\javac.exe
Then I updated b4a from v8.5 to v9.0.12
When I ran b4a Bridge (v 2.55) it wouldn't install the compiled app. It failed with the message "app not installed". I've since determined this failure has nothing to do with b4a Bridge. I just can't update my app.
I then questioned whether the sdk files were up to snuff, so I reinstalled the SDK from the "ready to run" zip supplied by Erel late last year (thanks for the tip, Erel). Nope - that didn't do it.
I did update the android jar path to C:\android\platforms\android-28\android.jar (from 27)
Worth noting that I use the infamous old "debug.keystore". However, I've brought the old one (November, 2010) to the new computer (c:\b4a) and also set the key to "use debug key" under "private sign key". This app is under *very* limited private distribution. I would change the key if I could, but it's not a simple distribution.
I can't figure it out. "App not installed" is a very generic message.
Clean installs are perfect. Just not installs over older versions.
What has gone wrong? I'd appreciate any insights you may have.
- Don