Android Question App not installed


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Hello everyone ......

User phone Samsung A55 5G Android Version 14, One UI Version 6.1
and cannot install the app.
Current targetSDK (android:minSdkVersion="14" android:targetSdkVersion="33").
What should I do?


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Had the same problem on my old tablet since I added a new Samsung phone S23.
Debugging works fine on the phone but on the tablet I now get the laconic message "app not installed", without mention of reason. Impossible to switch between devices for debugging and connection via USB cable works no longer on the tablet.

I'd be very grateful for any suggestion.
Thanks in advance,
john m.
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If you are downgrading an existing installation with a lower TargetSDKversion, make sure you manually remove the current installation first. This is a security 'feature'.

I recently suffered at the hands of Google. Having upgraded to the latest Samsung S24 handset I find that the app to control the CCTV on my house is no longer supported. As the system is 5+ years old they have no intention of upgrading the app. We are at the mercy of these companies.
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