Android Question App Status: Rejected


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Hi team,

Since a while, I'm unable to send a new version on Google Play,
I don't understand why they refer to a very old Version code 126, that I'm unable to delete
Any good idea?

Thanks a Lot


After a recent review, we found that your app xxxxxxxxxxxxx is not compliant with one or more of our Developer Program Policies. See below for more information about your app's status and how to correct the issue.

App Status: Rejected​

Your app has been rejected and wasn't published due to the policy issue(s) listed below. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.


Your app is not compliant with the User Data policy.
  • Your app is uploading users' images information without a prominent disclosure.
As per Google Play’s User Data policy, in cases where your app’s access, collection, use, or sharing of personal and sensitive user data may not be within the reasonable expectation of the user of the product or feature in question, you must provide an in-app disclosure of your data access, collection, use, and sharing and seek affirmative user consent.

Your use case requires a Prominent Disclosure in accordance with this policy.

The in-app Prominent Disclosure:
  1. Must comprehensively disclose how your app collects, uses and shares user data.
    • To meet policy requirements, it’s recommended that you reference the following example language format for Prominent Disclosure when it’s required: “[This app] collects/transmits/syncs/stores [type of data] to enable [”feature”], [in what scenario].”
  2. Must be within the app itself, displayed in the normal usage of the app and not require the user to navigate into a menu or settings.
  3. Cannot only be placed in a privacy policy or terms of service.
  4. Cannot be included with other disclosures unrelated to personal and sensitive user data collection.
Requests for user consent:
  1. Must be clear and unambiguous.
  2. Must require affirmative user action (for example, tap to accept, tick a check-box).
  3. Must not interpret navigation away from the disclosure (including tapping away or pressing the back or home button) as consent.
  4. Must not use auto-dismissing or expiring messages as a means of obtaining user consent.
  5. Must be granted by the user before your app can begin to collect or access the personal and sensitive user data.
Issue details
We found an issue in the following area(s):
  • Version code 126

About the User Data policy​

You must be transparent in how you handle user data (for example, information collected from or about a user, including device information). That means disclosing the access, collection, use, handling, and sharing of user data from your app, and limiting the use of the data to the policy compliant purposes disclosed.


Your app is not compliant with the User Data policy. Specifically,
  • Your app is uploading users' images information without posting an adequate privacy policy in the designated field in Play Developer Console.
  • Make sure your Privacy Policy in the designated field in Play Developer Console is available on an active, publicly accessible and non-geofenced URL.
Issue details
We found an issue in the following area(s):
  • Version code 126

About the User Data policy​

You must be transparent in how you handle user data (for example, information collected from or about a user, including device information). That means disclosing the access, collection, use, handling, and sharing of user data from your app, and limiting the use of the data to the policy compliant purposes disclosed.

Action required: Submit an updated app for review​

Here's what to do to help get your app on Google Play:
  1. Make sure to read the applicable policies or requirements listed below:
  2. Make appropriate changes to your app (if possible), and be sure to address the issue described above. You may also want to check your app's store listing for compliance, if applicable.
  3. Address the issue mentioned above, deactivate the non-compliant version and upload a compliant version with an incremented version code.
    • In addition to your Production release, if you have other release types that you use for testing and/or quality assurance checks (for example, Internal test, Closed, Open), please make required changes and update those tracks as well.
    • Make sure that the non-compliant version is under the “Not included” section of the release.
  4. Double check that your app is compliant with all other Developer Program Policies.
  5. If you made changes to your app bundle, store listing, or APK, please sign in to your Play Console and submit the update(s).

Contact support​

If you've reviewed the policy and feel our decision may have been in error, please reach out to our policy support team. We'll get back to you within 2 business days.

Learn More​

Visit the Android Developers Blog to learn more about free tools and resources for building safe and successful apps. Check out the latest Google Play policy updates on Full Screen Intent Permission, Health Apps, Photo and Video Permissions, AI-Generated Content, and more! Watch now: #PolicyBytes
Thanks for your continued support in helping to make Google Play a positive experience for both developers and consumers.
Please complete a two question survey to help us improve this experience.

The Google Play Team​



Licensed User
Longtime User

Hi team,

Since a while, I'm unable to send a new version on Google Play,
I don't understand why they refer to a very old Version code 126, that I'm unable to delete

Did you check is this version is active in alpha or beta tests?
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Well-Known Member
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The app has been refused due to the 2 violations of Google policy, until you make it compliant then they will not accept it.

We are familiar with Google policies and how to comply with them. It might help if you describe exactly what the app does?
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Well-Known Member
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I am slightly confused.

Is this a question about becoming compliant with policies (supported by a page of emails), or a question about uploading an app update?
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