Android Question App stop searching BLE devices


Licensed User
I have an app running OK on a clean phone, from about two months.
When opening, the app simply search BLE devices that match with a simple mask name.
Suddenly it stopped showing the devices.
No changes at all on the peripheral side, i.e. no services changes. Nothing.
Tried all:
-Bluetooth OFF/ON.
-Cache and data clear.
-Uninstall, reinstall the same app.
Nothing has solved the problem.
Any other piece of code I can search and clean? Programmatically?
Thanks in avance.


Licensed User
Hello Erel.
Problem cause found:
Testing with Nordic Connect app, it said: "Location service is disabled" ...
As you confirmed, we need to declare ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission because Google requires it.
OK. it was on the manifest, but it is mandatory to activate Location to use Bluetooth???
On this phone yes, it is confirmed.
Phone brand: Wiko
Android version: 6.0
Android security patch level: October 5, 2016
Thanks in avance for your comments.
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