App Submissions On Google Play Now Reviewed By Staff...


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This is something that should have been implemented years ago.

I wonder if they will change their stance on suspended developers to account for this change.

For many if this system were in place to begin with they could have fixed their issues and violations way ahead of time thereby preventing them from being suspended.


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For example, its image analysis systems are capable of automatically detecting apps that include sexual content
I wish I knew the algorithm they are using for that.


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And we need to wait 2 months to get their approval?


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I wish I knew the algorithm they are using for that.

My guess: They are simply looking for large percentage of image area being skin colors. Then, they pass the suspected images on for human inspection.

Which, probably, means that someone at Google has the job title "Porn inspector".


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I can confirm your suspect, Troberg. I applied for that position but they didn't employ me due to my venerable age considering it "at risk" of heart attacks


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My guess: They are simply looking for large percentage of image area being skin colors. Then, they pass the suspected images on for human inspection.

Google have Image Search so I think they just compare your image with their database. If your image is the same result from porn sites so it's porn image


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It will be great if they reject your app from the beginning so they will not kill your account suddenly. In this way, I like Apple Appstore more.
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