actually i am doing it, but because i got that error i rewrite few times that code, i could not find "view" in b4j like i am used in b4a so i thought control is the right choice like in VB but jmon solved the problem, NODE is the answer... thanx @jmon and @Erel
@Erel, it would be nice if you could write a post about those small tips and tricks of B4J. I'm quite interested in knowing how to optimize my code for speed and lower memory consumption.
so would it even be better to write:
For Each c As Node In mazepnl.GetAllViewsRecursive
If c Is Pane Then
'Dim pnl As Pane -->get rid of this
'pnl = c -->get rid of this
walls(wallsnr) = c 'input directly c here
wallsnr = wallsnr +1
End If