Application capable of measuring angles and distances.


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I need to develop an application capable of measuring angles and distances.
It can be for B4J or B4A. I prefer B4J.
I have attached some image that shows more or less what I need initially.
As the red dot is moved the measurements changes together. The crane arm is aticulated, and follows the red dot.
What resources would be necessary to build this application?
Captura de tela 2024-09-29 120332.png
Captura de tela 2024-09-29 120427.png


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Longtime User
You need to give more information on what you really want to achieve.
What angles, what distances, what is the coordinates origin ?
Do you have already some code ?
Is it a kind of drawing program with the crane to show the distances and angles with the same questions as above ?
What does represent the blue rectangle in the images ?
etc !!!