Bug? Application Running in debug mode stop


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Hi all
When I debug and run a application, then when I go with the cursor over the List-name because I like to see what is in there, Debug stops running

List is initialize and not empty.
I see this in many applications so it is not only 1 application.
Maybe a small bug.

Thanks for answering


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I see this in many applications so it is not only 1 application
Hi, can you upload an example, then? I think it will be more easy to check
There's no logs with the error?


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List Crash:
    Dim AudioList As List
    AudioList.Initialize 'Debug Stop when you go over the list even without data
B4J version 10.00


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No errors?



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Hm but I don't use b4xpage because it is a Non-UI app just console.

There has to be something wrong create a new app and no crash

No List crash:
'Non-UI application (console / server application)
#Region Project Attributes
    #MergeLibraries: True
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals

End Sub

Sub AppStart (Args() As String)
End Sub

Private Sub TestCrash
    Dim AudioList As List
    AudioList.Initialize 'No Crash
    Log("Hello world!!!")

End Sub

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but I don't use b4xpage because it is a Non-UI app just console
As you can see, it's not so easy... if you want to report a bug, please, give us more data.

Can you upload a project showing the problem?
Can you post the logs you get when your app crash?

Otherwise, I don't think anyone can help you.



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Found it I think I have to reinstall B4J again.

Thanks for helping out.

Happy to see that this is no Bug.


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Issue is Solved but Reinstall B4J was not the issue.
I found out when I connect with B4J-Bridge to a Raspberry Pi then it is happening.
Wondering why.
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