B4A Library AppLovin Ads - Social Advertising


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What if I am using only banner ads (social and non-social)? Should I still enable the service?


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Hi Bill, Applovin just updated their SDK, could you please chek it? Thank you so much.


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For me ECPM is always $0.00

i got like 183 imps, 20 Clicks , but eCPM is $0.00 and revenue $0.00

Why is that?


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Thanks for explanation.
I got it now



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Hi susu,

How did you know about the updates? Any ideas what changed?

Hi Bill,

I received an email from Adam and he said: "We do have a new SDK posted on the site and I’d recommend you include it in your next app updates". Did you received his email?


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Hey guys, on what date do you get paid every month? And which payment mode do you use?


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I got my payment on 15th everymont via PayPal.


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Hey guys, on what date do you get paid every month? And which payment mode do you use?

@Inman - Hope you're having a good weekend. Our standard payment cycle is Net15, meaning you're paid 15 days after end of a month. For example, your revenue accumulated in June would be paid on July 15th.

If you have any additional questions. Feel free to contact me directly.


Rafael Vivas


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Got an announcement mail from Mark Rosner at Applovin

Hey ssg, is the updated Applovin SDK compatible with current B4A wrapper library?


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I can confirm that Ssg's wrapper is compatible with new Applovin SDK and what they said is true. My revenue is double since I update their new SDK.


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Thanks susu.

One question. I am using B4A 2.0. I have 2 libraries in the list - applovin-sdk and MESAppLovin. I tried ticking applovin-sdk alone but couldn't find the object when I tried to Dim it. Ticking MESAppLovin gives an MESAppLovin object. Is this the correct way to do it?

Also I replaced applovin-sdk.jar with the new version from Applovin site but I am still enabling only MESAppLovin library and not applovin-sdk. Is this right?


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Applovin-sdk is original SDK. MESAplovin is wrapper library. You should tick on both.


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Can someone share an example in how to use Interstitials?

Kind regards


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Can someone share an example in how to use Interstitials?

Kind regards

I launch a new activity with following code when user clicks the back button on their phone. This activity is only used for showing the full screen ad


Sub Globals
   Dim aps As MESAppLovin
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)

   ToastMessageShow("please wait...", False)
   aps.initialise(True, "aps")
   Activity.AddView(aps, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
End Sub

Sub aps_AdReceived
End Sub

Sub aps_FailedToReceiveAd
End Sub

Sub aps_AdHidden
End Sub

Hope it helps...


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Hey ssg, how is Applovin working out for you? It used to pay great for me at eCPM around $0.8 to $1.6 but off late it is at around $0.2. I am using only banners though. Will interstitials make things better? How is your experience?


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Hi Inman,

I've received other feedback also about the drop of ecpm with AppLovin from other users. I hope someone from AppLovin can highlight to us what is going on.

Yes, interstitials do perform much better. Here are my stats for October month:

Banner - $0.66 eCPM
Interstitials - $2.46 eCPM

Give the interstitials a try.

By the way, there seems to be a slow down across most ad networks the past 2 months. Maybe it is expected? But eCPM of $0.2 is bad in my opinion.

Also based on past year experience, you should see increase in eCPM in november, and a peak in december, especially around christmas... but then again, this year could be different....


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Thanks man. Do you use both interstitials and banners in the same app? Also which permissions have you enabled in the Manifest file for Applovin ads?
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